Client Love
Kierra Jones banked $50k in one month and enjoyed $20k months passively while on maternity leave.
Miki Fox - The Rebels Coach
Miki shares how her life has completely transformed, from leaving toxic situations to having more happiness and fulfillment in her life and living in paradise!
Jill Johnson Macnab
The moment I discovered Lindsay I knew I needed her in my life, immediately. Within two weeks I had committed to four months of the biggest and most transformational growth I’ve ever seen. She took me to places I’ve never gone, helped me heal wounds I didn’t even know I had, and guided me to finding the woman I always knew was there, but couldn’t access before. During our time together I found joy, freedom and expansion in the most amazing ways. I manifested over $115,000 dollars by month three (TRUE STORY!), my dream house (I named her Lindsay), my son’s adoption-which I had been praying for for six years, as well as growth and alignment in my businesses.
I had such overwhelming success in our 1:1 sessions that it was a no-brainer to do a 1-day intensive retreat with her in person. We had been working on my love life and relationships for months, so I was expecting to learn more lessons surrounding this. However, it was during that day that I fully saw the woman I was becoming...and for the first time, I fell madly in love- with myself!
If you are ready to meet the woman (or man) staring back at you in the mirror in a real and authentic way, ready to stop imagining and manifest the hell out of your dreams, and ready for TRUE transformation, then you know what to do. Lindsay will absolutely not disappoint. She was hands down the best investment I have EVER made.
Julie Goetzinger, Summer Mint Photography
I was intuitively guided to Lindsay when I saw her post about how all of the answers we were all seeking could be found within ourselves. I knew in my heart that this was true and loved that she was a spiritual healer and could help me to see the things that I wasn't already seeing myself.
I hired her as my one on one coach and from our very first session she changed the course of my life. She revealed to me past hurts from my childhood that I had wondered about my entire life and in one call she revealed the truth to me that I was so desperately seeking. From that moment on I began my transformation and spiritual awakening process and learned so many techniques to access my guides myself that I practice daily now.
In the three months that we worked together, I had my biggest month in sales in my business, lost weight that I had held onto for years, got my interest back in sex and have let go of my need to have everyone else approve of me and now know that all that matters is that I approve of myself. Today I have what I describe as a quiet confidence which brings me such peace that I can't even put into words. I will forever be grateful to Lindsay for helping me along this journey and for helping me to make the shifts that I have been so wanting for so long. Thank you, Lindsay!
Melissa Lee, Spirituality Coach and Healer
I have worked with many coaches, mentors, psychics, healers, counselors, you name it. I found Lindsay at a pivotal time in my life. I found her when I just decided to follow my passion and be a coach. I had no idea what I was doing and I was lost.
I had done loads of healing, but there was still so much left to do, so much I didn't even know I needed to heal.
Lindsay called me on my BS in a way that never made me feel less than but did shine a light on areas I buried long ago.
With her guidance I was able to shift a lot of my mindset around money, forgiveness, healing and love. With her help I have been able to pinpoint problems and find solutions so quickly. Above all else, I have found a deep sense of love for all aspects of myself. I feel like I not only gained a friend but a cheerleader in this game of life, and I have become a way better coach and healer myself.
Alex Bratty, Online Business Strategist at alexbratty.com
Lindsay Dam is the REAL DEAL. There are a lot of people out there calling themselves coaches and mentors, and it can be hard to know who’s really got the goods. Lindsay does. I hired her because I was experiencing 12-day periods (!) and my OBGYN gave me the options of going on the pill or burning my uterine lining (say whaaat???). I knew Lindsay could help me fix this in an all-natural way…and she did exactly that. Through her powerful combination of mind, body, and spiritual work I’ve now been enjoying consistent months of 5-day periods. And, as if that wasn’t enough of a result (freaking ahhh-mazing!), Lindsay also opened me up to a whole new level of joy, flow, and connection in my life. I’ll be forever grateful to Lindsay for her impact, her wisdom, and her compassion. And most of all, for the wonderful human being she is.
Jessie Ptak - Sacred Soul Care + Self Coach at jessieptak.com
Before I discovered Lindsay and this group, I had no idea what womb healing was, what a womb woman was, or the role feminine energy plays in how we do everything! I was doing “all the things” to manifest, but none of those things worked for me — so much doing, not enough allowing and feeling.
My first experience working with Lindsay was during a 3 hour group workshop, and I learned so much about myself in that short period of time — like the relationship I had with money on a subconscious level, and how to start changing it. After the workshop, I signed my first 6 month client!
I signed up to have a 3 hour intensive in November and I can’t explain how much energy was moved through my body during that time, but I’ve never experienced a session like that (and I’ve been to many different healers!). She was able to lead me through uncovering an experience from childhood that I had completely suppressed and blacked out, so that I could finally feel and release it.
Even after our session, Lindsay continued to reach out to me to check in, to give advice about how to handle emotions that were coming to the surface, and reassurance that these old blocks would dissipate as long as I acknowledged them.
After months of feeling off in my business and my work, I am finally aligned with my purpose and my mission, everything feels as though it’s fallen into place — and it feels so EASY. I can FEEL it in my body that things have shifted, and they continue to get better every day. THANK YOU Lindsay, you are a LIGHT in this world. So grateful to have met you.
Rebecca Asghar, Artist
I am writing this testimonial to say how wonderful I have found Lindsay and her services to be. I was on the search for a fertility and life coach as I knew I was stuck and had so many issues relating to my own parents and people I had encountered in life, and felt very much the victim.
I found one coach in the US (I'm based in London, UK) who sounded good and experienced but she just wasn't really available to me, physically (would've taken 3 weeks for an initial discovery call), emotionally (I just didn't connect with her energy which was very forthright and businesslike with no friendliness).
But I'm glad I found her because by finding her, I found Lindsay through doing a web search for someone similar. I have not been disappointed at all. Not only have I found her friendly, available, caring, flexible and very well versed in what she teaches and trains, I had found a new found security and comfort in knowing what was keeping me stuck and how I should progress towards what I know I deserve, my dream life! I can't wait to write a further testimonial in the coming year which will demonstrate what I've achieved through this!
Do have a look at Lindsay's website, you won't be disappointed!"